MJ turned 12 this year and has been a very special time for him. . Let me tell you, I have never seen someone so excited to turn 12 in my life. I think he is excited for several reasons; MJ is no longer in primary, MJ is in Mutual now with the “big kids”. At 12 MJ has been interviewed and found worthy to receive the Aaronic Priesthood and takes this privilege seriously. He is excited to pass the sacrament and collect fast offerings.
This last Sunday, as a mom, I sat and watched my little boy start his journey as a young man. He has grown so much this past year.
After passing sacrament, he sat back with the family and since it was Fast Sunday I could see it in MJ’s eyes his desire to bear his testimony. And then it started…. Mom I’ll bear my testimony if you go and bear yours... Come on Mom… Come on. I replied, “No, you go first, then I’ll go…” And then the conversation would start over and over again. Being the brave mom I am, I broke down and sat at the front pew for my turn. As I am waiting, MJ came up from behind and said, “The deals off”. I proceeded to go up and bear my testimony and came back and sat by MJ. He says, “I changed my mind”. I could see how nervous he was and wanted so much to go up. So now it was my turn… “Mark, if you go up you can have all the money out of my wallet”. “How much money is in your wallet?” That went around a few times too. Finally I said, “If you’re going to go you better hurry, sacrament is almost over”. He FINALLY went up. My first thought was, on no, he’s going to be silly. But he wasn’t. I was so proud to watch him. His testimony was beautiful. He spoke from his heart of the love he has for the scriptures, the Gospel and his Father in Heaven.
What a wonderful start to growing into a young man. He’s going to be a great missionary. It brings tears to my eyes as I watched. MJ has always been a joy in our lives and is a great example to us and those around him. I am very proud of the young man he is becoming and I am excited for his future. I Love you MJ! You’re the Best!!