Monday, December 15, 2008

Driving in Snow

Tips from Chucks page...

1) When driving in snow have on good tires, preferably snow tires possibly with studs. Carry chains, even if you don’t need them, it is the law.
2) Always drive in control. This means stay at a speed that is reasonable. Stay under 45 MPH. That gives more reaction time if some other knucklehead does something stupid.
3) Don’t let the guy behind you push you into going faster. If he or she (although normally it would be a he) starts to ride your bumper, pull over as soon as it is safe and let him pass. He is probably being stupid, but remember the safe speed for you in your car might not be the same for him in his car.
4) Keep your distance from the car in front of you and only pass where you are sure it is safe.
5) Make sure your windshield and mirrors are clear. It is a good idea to let your vehicle run for a bit before leaving.
6) Unfortunately, our biggest problem is the other guy.
7) If your are going to drive make sure you have plenty of food and clothing to keep warm just in case.
Driving in the snow is really pretty easy when you obey the most important rules, good tires and slow speed. Drive defensively and give yourself plenty of time.

1 comment:

Barkley's said...

Very good tips.. I am not confident in snow but wish i was more so.
BTW I tagged you check out my blog :)