Friday, August 1, 2008

Mr PB's or should I say Mr. Snuggles

This is our fat cat PB, Short for Porky Ballerina. I call him Mr. Snuggles. For the last 2 months PB has been acting a little on the strange side. You see, PB has never really been much of a snuggler and if he is snuggly its because there is no food in his cat dish. For the last 2 months he has been extreamly snuggly. At night he has to sleep in by bed and feels he must take up the whold bed. At 2:00 in the afternoon I can always count on PB jumping on my work desk and making himself comfortable. I don't really mind but sometimes its hard to work when he's laying on my table. I just think he is lonely and misses his best bud Stephanie like we all do.


Brydgette said...

speaking of stephanie... our family saw her at the fair last night. it was cool seeing her. it's been a while since we talked to her. but she seems to be doing well.

Anonymous said...

awwww i miss PB. i need to come snuggle him. give PB kisses and cuddles for me! =]