Tuesday, October 30, 2007

Barkley Family Murder Mystery 2007

This year Jer had a 1920 mobster theme. The scene took place on October 27th, 1927 at the pinnacle of Prohibition. The mafia and the criminal underworld ruled the streets in chicago. Today we were held hostage in a small bank while a couple of mobsters, "Mad" Paulie Moretto (jer) & "Pretty" Tommy Piccoli (Mark), cleaned out the vault. In the meantime Robert Worthlin ownner of the Worthlin Bank of Chicago layed on the floor dead from a gunshot.
Who did it? As we played the game we had to uncover the clues scene by scene. In the end we fould out that Mr James Cantwell (Jason) killed Robert Worthlin because he stole Mr. Cantwells share of the Bank. All too fun and can't wait till next year. check out the Photos. I wish I had everyone.

1 comment:

Papa Smurf said...

Thank you for getting good pictures - I loved this year - I can't wait - everyone was so much more comfortable this year - and Jere writing a great script helped immensely as well. By the way - the Avalanche House is literally next door to Soldier Mountain Ski Resort - I mean - a walk of about 150 yards or less.

Doug E.