Saturday, March 29, 2008

MJ turns 10!!

Mark turned 10 today!!! YEAH!!!
It started out a sunndy day that quickly turned to snow. What a fun suprise. A little too cold for me this time of year ~ we were just starting to break out the summer cloths.
So our new tradition is that Mom and Dad take the "Birthday Kid" out to a dinner of their choice. MJ chose Olive Garden because they have good bread sticks, we agree.
When we got home MJ was so excited to open his presents and have cake. He was really excited because when he walked through the door everyone yelled "SUPRISE!!!!"
It was a great day! Jason, Dana and the kids came up early Friday and after presents and cake we went to their hotel and the kids swam in the pool, went in the hot tub, jumped in the pool, and it was a never ending circle of fun!! MJ said " this is the best birthday ever".
On Saturday we went out to the Yamaha shop where the kids watched a few guys do some fun jumps. To Cold to stay so we went out to eat and went swimming and played games for the night. A Fun Weekend.........6 WEEKS!!!!!!!!
Happy Birthday MJ!! You are growing into such a nice young man.. I love you Lots..XOXOXOXOXOX

He said it was his best birthday ever.


Barkley's said...

Yay MJ!! I hope you get the package I sent you soon if you didnt already get it..I was so excited when i found it :) I wish we could have been there with you!! I love you and miss you

Dana and ohana said...

6 weeks!!!!!!
BATHING SUIT!!!!!!!!!!
I mean it!

We had dun everyone. Thanks for letting us come and play.