"A family is strong when all its members are working together and, like the rope, cannot be broken easily. But when individual members no longer work in unity with each other, the family becomes weak, just as the rope did, and can more easily be broken. Everyone in the family benefits when individual members are working together."
This analogy says it all. When thought upon I think it comes down to the love and respect one feels for your family or for another. As the proclamation of the family it states "By divine design, fathers are to preside over their families in love and righteousness and are responsible to provide the necessities of life and protection for their families. Mothers are primarily responsible for the nurture of their children. In these sacred responsibilities, fathers and mothers are obligated to help one another as equal partners. Extended families should lend support when needed."
* As I look back on the past year there was no respect in my immediate family for my family. As I wanted so badly for my daughter to come home, others thought differently and that is where the rope was weakened. Choices were made feeling were hurt.
* A few weeks ago.. Its tax time. Had an issue with someone claiming our daughter on their taxes. Our daughter lived with them 5 1/2 months out of last year. Would you think that maybe she would claim herself or that her parents would claim her (she was 17 at the beginning of the year). Love and respect plays into this also. To show respect we would treat other with respect and do as you would do. Call and ask.
* This last weekend I received a disturbing email. We all have a choice in how we live. That is why we are here on this earth. Whether we choose a certain lifestyle or religion it is our choice. But what we don't do is bash on ones view because "it is not what I believe in or how we live". Again, This comes down to love and respect for an individual and for the family.
I am sure I can go on and people can go on about me too. The point is that if we do not treat our families with the utmost respect for each individual family we have nothing. Families will grow and soon my children will have their families and so forth. Each family is different. Each has there own ideas, traditions, foods they like, activities they do and values. It is when one family thinks less of a family because they don't think or do the same is a lack of respect and like the rope will loose its strength.
I am sorry for my rant. A quote to leave you with, "There are no perfect families only very good ones."
Thanks. Hope you can resolve the "family baggage" you are getting to deal with. I love how Heavenly Father lets us in on the little secret with why Laman and Lemuel were even invited to the promised land. 1 Nephi 2:24 "And if it so be that they (Nephi's descendants) rebel against me, they (Laman's descendants) shall be a scourge unto they seed, to stir them up in the ways of remembrance." My family, with all their baggage - mixed with my own of course, keeps me turning to Heavenly Father for help because most of the time I am at a loss what to do with them, but He knows and guides me.
I think if we continue to do what we know is right than nothing else matters. If we still love and respect those we feel have wronged us then that is all we can do. It is true others make choices we dont understand, but we are all given free agency to find our own way down that straight and narrow path. It is true standing united as a family makes it easier to make it. I love you Danna, we dont agree on everything in life but we agree to love one another and respect eachother and that is why our bonds are strong.
Ok I hope you get this. We are going to try and change book club to THursday at 9:30 am still at Lori's House. Call me and leave a message and let me know if that will work for you. We are hoping it works for more people.
Hope to see you there!
Thank you guys..
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