Wednesday, May 21, 2008

Its finally offical

After a very long process we are finally offical home builders again. It has been a very stressful time the last few months with the on again ~ off again , back and forth, side to side, up and down, upside down and rightside up (well you get the point) rollercoaster ride we have been on. When we started this process we knew it would be difficult, and it was. Never in my right mind would I ever do this again. Doug said it would be hard and I think he had some intuition right off the bat about our shyster builder. So I will start posting about the house again and we can finally be excited again!


Brydgette said...

yeah i want to see some pictures of the new house!

Barkley's said...

Its so scary the obsticals (sp?) and loops you have to jump thru these days to own your own home. I am scared for Jeremiah and I to attempt, because of all the new restrictions on home loans and such. I am so glad to hear the good news and cannot wait to see pictures