Friday, February 27, 2009

Angela Kay

Angela ~ /a-nge-la, an-gela/ is pronounced AN-je-lah, It is of Greek orgin, and its meaning is " messenger of God; angel". Angela is adorable, compassionate, thoughtful, charitable, spiritual, independent, steadfast and immovable, creative, lovely, warm & snugly, considerate, willing to take a stand, dramatic, responsible and very, very loved.

Some memories of Angela:

When she was in early elementary school she seriously thought her name was Angelina. She was so convinced that her teacher thought so too. Teacher had her name on the desk as such and even on her papers. Once while talking with her teacher I noticed that she was calling Angela, Angelina. I looked at her a little confused as we were at Angela's desk I knew that we were definitely speaking of Angela. The teacher and I just laughed and she told me that Angela had corrected her and that her name was Angelina. I just smiled. Angela loved to play pretend and still does... Oh No, The start of my Drama Queen.

I love this picture of Angela on Easter Saturday. Angela has always loved the outdoors. I have lots of memories of her taking a mud bath at her grandmas, helping little birdies that flew into the window, playing with the dogs, catching froggies, swimming at the Lake, going fishing and jumping on the trampoline. Angela is a softie when it comes to animals and the outdoors.

Here is Angela at her 8th grade graduation right before we moved to the Tri-Cities. She works hard in school and loves to read books. Alot of books. If she gets her nose in a book good luck getting her out of it before shes done. She loves to learn both in school and at church. She is soo smart! I love the fact that I can go to her and she has an answer for me. She is a wonderful example to those around her.

Yesterday was Angelas "16th" Birthday. This Picture was taken of Angela a few months ago. Let me tell you.. This girl amazes me! When she sets her mind to do something she can accomplish anything. She is truly an example to those around her. She is a Daughter of God and is not afraid to stand up for her standards of living the Gospel. I can not express enough how much I love her and am so thankful that she has been entrusted into our care. She is truly a messenger from God and has been a blessing to have her in our lives.

Wednesday, February 25, 2009

Calgon, Where are you?

It has been a long and stressful week so far and its only Wednesday! What the heck. I am still working on my list of things to get done and they are prioritized in my head. It seems like the list never seems to end. I'm tired would really like to run away. I hate those days! Yucky Phooey!! If I only had more time.. (WHOW, Epiphany.. I'm going to keep a list of my todo's on my blog and then keep it updated as I either 1) Post something todo or 2) take one off that I've done. I'll never forget now because I am a blogoholic and check mine daily for some strange reason I have this need to feel connected. Random thought, sorry.) Finding joy in my journey is just not happening this week. I just need to take a hot bath with book in hand, lock the door, read and relax. Calgon, Where are you? I know better days are ahead, really they are. Right?

Sunday, February 22, 2009

MJ Basketball Game 7 Final Game

Well it was a good game. The team worked hard to get 5 points on the board. The game was reffed terribly. I don't think that the kids reffing had a clue of what was going on. Teams are to play man to man and this team played zone. It seems we have a few coaches that don't know how to follow the rules. Im just glad that its over an MJ can play on a real team next year. So off to Soccer we will go. I am excited to watch him play he loves sports and does a great job working as a team. Also I am hoping for a basketball hoop so we can play together as a family. Gotta love it.

Monday, February 16, 2009

MJ Basketball Game 6 ~ 13 - 21

Another great game played. Was a fun game to watch but I mostly had fun watching Kohen take his shots. What a ham he is.. MJ has one more game then Basketball season is over. bummer. We have lost again this week but the lessons learned are worth more and the kids are having fun playing. Great Job MJ!!

Tuesday, February 10, 2009

Excuses no more!!

So last night I took a class on Psychology of weight loss. It was pretty interesting and how we are our own worst enemy. I would say that the thing I took home was the fact that we always seem to quit just when we are starting to see the results, ie.. jeans fit better, have energy, feel healthier. This is the time when our body is starting to change but there is no drop on the scale (at least that's the way it is for me). So what do we do, for me I start telling myself it will never happen and then I give up. What I should be doing is sticking to it. Stop making excuses and stop the vicious circle. My body is a temple and I need to take care of it. I must never give up no more..
Here is a you tube video that I thought was inspiring .

Sunday, February 8, 2009

Stock in Tampax

OK it used to be a joke that with having 3 girls I would have to buy stock in Tampax. Its not a joke any more.. Our goal this year is to work on our 3 month & 1 yr supply. Everything looks good until I try to figure out how many boxes of Tampax we will need. Oh My Goodness.... Not even funny. Mind you these are the Costco size boxes. We will need 72 boxes.. Thats 5,184 tampons.. Where in the world am I going to put all of them? Attic? Maybe unbox and seal tight them? I don't know.. What I do know it that this has to be the most expensive item on our list.
I took a class that Relief Society is having every month about preparedness. Sister Stowell is a great teacher. The goal is to get the basics and a 3 month supply and add to it. The long term goal is that you have a 1 1/2 year supply and stock pile the items that you always use. When she sees a good deal on something she buys it. Eventually you will have your own little grocery store. Mind you she has been doing this for years now and it does take a while to develop but once you do it saves alot because you eventually only need to buy when its a good deal because you already have every thing you need at home. That is the long term goal. For now I have made a great chart to get us started and we will work on it a little at a time, but at least e are working on it. Now, Go buy that stock!!

MJ Basketball Game 5 ~ 15 - 22

It was a better game this time. The kids were well matched up and did a wonderful job. MJ 's energy had returned and made lots of rebounds. Lots of fun. Final score ~ us 15 them 22. Great D Kids..

Monday, February 2, 2009

Way to Go Steelers!!

OK, So it has been a long tradition int he family that when ever Mark has a game on I root for the opposite team he does. So yesterday, I started rooting for the Arizona Cardinal's. I like Kurt Warner, Hes a great guy and the girls and I think hes pretty cute. But I really tried this time. I started to but I couldn't (Either way we would have been happy no matter who wins as long as a good game was played). I got a little involved in the game and let it slip on who I really wanted to win. Everyone looked at me .. Mom, are you rooting for the Steelers?? I was caught, what could I say? Except, YEP! It was a good game. I called the final score Steelers 23 Cardinals 20. I was surprised how close I was, except reversed in score. Luckily the Steelers pulled it out and made a blessed touchdown. Amen!!