Angela ~ /a-nge-la, an-gela/ is pronounced AN-je-lah, It is of Greek orgin, and its meaning is " messenger of God; angel". Angela is adorable, compassionate, thoughtful, charitable, spiritual, independent, steadfast and immovable, creative, lovely, warm & snugly, considerate, willing to take a stand, dramatic, responsible and very, very loved.
Some memories of Angela:
Some memories of Angela:

When she was in early elementary school she seriously thought her name was Angelina. She was so convinced that her teacher thought so too. Teacher had her name on the desk as such and even on her papers. Once while talking with her teacher I noticed that she was calling Angela, Angelina. I looked at her a little confused as we were at Angela's desk I knew that we were definitely speaking of Angela. The teacher and I just laughed and she told me that Angela had corrected her and that her name was Angelina. I just smiled. Angela loved to play pretend and still does... Oh No, The start of my Drama Queen.

I love this picture of Angela on Easter Saturday. Angela has always loved the outdoors. I have lots of memories of her taking a mud bath at her grandmas, helping little birdies that flew into the window, playing with the dogs, catching froggies, swimming at the Lake, going fishing and jumping on the trampoline. Angela is a softie when it comes to animals and the outdoors.

Here is Angela at her 8th grade graduation right before we moved to the Tri-Cities. She works hard in school and loves to read books. Alot of books. If she gets her nose in a book good luck getting her out of it before shes done. She loves to learn both in school and at church. She is soo smart! I love the fact that I can go to her and she has an answer for me. She is a wonderful example to those around her.
Yesterday was Angelas "16th" Birthday. This Picture was taken of Angela a few months ago. Let me tell you.. This girl amazes me! When she sets her mind to do something she can accomplish anything. She is truly an example to those around her. She is a Daughter of God and is not afraid to stand up for her standards of living the Gospel. I can not express enough how much I love her and am so thankful that she has been entrusted into our care. She is truly a messenger from God and has been a blessing to have her in our lives.