Sunday, February 8, 2009

Stock in Tampax

OK it used to be a joke that with having 3 girls I would have to buy stock in Tampax. Its not a joke any more.. Our goal this year is to work on our 3 month & 1 yr supply. Everything looks good until I try to figure out how many boxes of Tampax we will need. Oh My Goodness.... Not even funny. Mind you these are the Costco size boxes. We will need 72 boxes.. Thats 5,184 tampons.. Where in the world am I going to put all of them? Attic? Maybe unbox and seal tight them? I don't know.. What I do know it that this has to be the most expensive item on our list.
I took a class that Relief Society is having every month about preparedness. Sister Stowell is a great teacher. The goal is to get the basics and a 3 month supply and add to it. The long term goal is that you have a 1 1/2 year supply and stock pile the items that you always use. When she sees a good deal on something she buys it. Eventually you will have your own little grocery store. Mind you she has been doing this for years now and it does take a while to develop but once you do it saves alot because you eventually only need to buy when its a good deal because you already have every thing you need at home. That is the long term goal. For now I have made a great chart to get us started and we will work on it a little at a time, but at least e are working on it. Now, Go buy that stock!!


Unknown said...

I would love to see that chart you are working on! Jer and I are working on our food storage aswell and I NEVER thought of tampons!

Anonymous said...

Yeah for tampons!!!!!