Wednesday, April 16, 2008

Happy Uppie Pants

After a longs days work and the kids at school we needed a little R & R time. So we finally got a family gym membership. I thought it might help all of us to relieve some not so needed stress and tension around the house ~ Well it did just that. Somehow the kids started wearing uppie pants. I have no idea where they would have gotten this idea from.... Dana, any ideas??? I am hoping that today when we go to the gym that they burn more energy and come home pooped and want to go right to bed, at least thats my plan. I really think they were excited to swim, play DDR, rock climb and play basketball last night that it was was too much fun to calm down just yet. Me on the other hand am quite sore today and went right to bed. I have hired a personal trainer, her name is Katie and so far she has been great. She really worked my buttocks off yesterday. I can wait to go again this week. I really do love to work-out. My problem is my motivation ~ thats where Katie comes in. She is helping me getting me started again working on those core muscles. YEAH!! I'm a feeling the core today. Next comes Yoga, I love Yoga!! Maybe Mark will go with me. Its quite to workout. So here's to Uppie pants and the smiles on those uppie pant kid's. They are all so silly. Gotta love those silly Barkley kids.. I have no idea where they get all this sillynessedly attitude from....


Dana and ohana said...

a littl uppie pants now and then is a perfect way to relieve stress! And you can thank Uncle Jason for the great Idea. Still, my kiddos look like they are always waiting for a flood.:0) Yippeee for the gym memership!

Brydgette said...

that sounds like fun. we have been running 1 and 1/2 to 3 miles every night(except for sunday) since the start of the year. it's a great way to relieve some of the stress of high school, and i really enjoy it! have fun!