Tuesday, April 8, 2008

Counting my blessings

This last week has been really hard for me. We now face the fact that we may lose our home that we have worked so hard for. Our Builder NS Construction Group has not been cooperating with the bank or us; which completely stops our home from being finished. In the mist of this mess we have come to realize that blessings come in many different ways. Sometimes we lose site on the blessings that we have and focus in on the "things" that don't matter. So we will see if the house works out but if it does not that’s a blessing too.
This last weekend was conference weekend and I was so looking forward to going out of town to see family but I really needed to be home. We watched all four-conference sessions and I was humbled. My perspectives have been so far off that I am embarrassed to the fact that I have not been counting my blessings, which are many. I have a husband who loves me, a family that is close and loves to be silly. There are so many people in the world that have no homes, food on their plates and have lost their family. I am so blessed to have what most people do not and I thank the Lord everyday for that.
So I challenge you to count your blessings. It’s easy to look toward the “things” that we think will make us happy, but while doing so we focus so much on getting these "things" that we lose site of the Big Eternal Picture of what life is truly about.


Dana and ohana said...

counting blessing is not always easy BUT always worth it! I love that conference always puts things in persective don't you?

Anonymous said...

yes i do