Monday, June 2, 2008

May 31st

Saturday was Stephanies birthday. I was really bumbed Saturday since she was not at home. I had a big 18th birthday planned BBQ and Pool. Lots of people were invited but I had to cancel. Instead Steph spent the day with her friend Amy & Amy got her a couple body piercings for her birthday.
Satuday night we spent in the hospital. Mark had an accident with his Bike on Monday and scrapped up his are pretty good. It had gotten infected and He was taking an antibiotic but it wasn't working. The infection had gotten into his bloodstream and was making him really sick. So they gave him an IV with a heavy dose of antibiotic and sent him home. He is doing much better today.
So pretty uneventful weekend here in the Barkley home.


Dana and ohana said...

Yucky Mark. I am sorry to hear how nasty you feel. I'd like to see pictures know, just as proof that you are not made of steel. Maybe me kicking your crumpled old body at cards would make you feel better. But I don't think they make an antiboitc to get rid of the yucky feeling that you get after you whopped!

Barkley's said...

Thats to bad I hope he got lots of sympathy and attention...Mark your not as young as ou once were buddy :) I love you guys and wish we could have seen you this past weekend to celebrate steph's birthday...but there will be more. Love you-stef